About Us
Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure that all children have the chance to benefit from the best possible treatment and that their financial circumstances are not an obstacle to saving their lives.
Our vision
We want to put an end to begging for children’s healthcare and eliminate all financial barriers when it comes to saving or curing a child.
Our values
Every child has the right to health, education and protection, and every society has a duty to expand children’s opportunities to give them the right to a better future.
Nos dernières nouvelles
Medha 13yrs made a relapse with cancer. She will needs 1.2million to access her treatment in India.
Donate for Medha: MCB 000446714666 IBAN:MU13MCBL0944000446714666000MUR Swift Code: MCBLMUMU Telephone: +230 59099219/58411369 When everything was going on good track for Medha, it’s after 5 years that
Medha who is suffering from cancer found herself block at the clinic because of an huge outstanding amount of Rs 1 Million
Make a donation for Medha: MCB 000446714666 IBAN: MU13MCBL0944000446714666000MUR Swift Code: MCBLMUMU Telephone: +230 59099219/58411369 Medha, our patient suffering from cancer, is block actually from
13-year-old Lorna will urgently need a bone marrow transplant which will cost Rs 2.1 million.
Donate: MCB 000446714739 IBAN : MU26MCBL0944000446714739000MUR Code Swift : MCBLMUMU Phone: +230 59099219/58411369 13-year-old Lorna will urgently need a bone marrow transplant which will cost
Lorna made a relapse with her cancer and need 2 million for another BMT.
Donate: MCB 000446714739 IBAN : MU26MCBL0944000446714739000MUR Code Swift : MCBLMUMU Phone: +230 59099219/58411369 28th May 2022, Lorna is suffering from spine issue which were detected
Medha 13yrs made a relapse with cancer. She will needs 1.2million to access her treatment in India.
Donate for Medha: MCB 000446714666 IBAN:MU13MCBL0944000446714666000MUR Swift Code: MCBLMUMU Telephone: +230 59099219/58411369 When everything was going on good track for Medha, it’s after 5 years that
Camélia 12yrs suffers from a cancer – Desmoplastic small round cell tumor. Rs 1,606,912 will be needed for her treatment.
Donate for Camélia: MCB 000447982168 IBAN:MU16MCBL0901000447982168000MUR Swift Code: MCBLMUMU Telephone: +230 59099219/58411369 Camélia 12yrs is suffering from a cancer tumor, desmoplastic small round cell tumor.