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Medha 13yrs made a relapse with cancer. She will needs 1.2million to access her treatment in India.
Donate for Medha: MCB 000446714666 IBAN:MU13MCBL0944000446714666000MUR Swift Code: MCBLMUMU Telephone: +230 59099219/58411369 When everything was going on good track for Medha, it’s after 5 years that
Medha who is suffering from cancer found herself block at the clinic because of an huge outstanding amount of Rs 1 Million
Make a donation for Medha: MCB 000446714666 IBAN: MU13MCBL0944000446714666000MUR Swift Code: MCBLMUMU Telephone: +230 59099219/58411369 Medha, our patient suffering from cancer, is block actually from
13-year-old Lorna will urgently need a bone marrow transplant which will cost Rs 2.1 million.
Donate: MCB 000446714739 IBAN : MU26MCBL0944000446714739000MUR Code Swift : MCBLMUMU Phone: +230 59099219/58411369 13-year-old Lorna will urgently need a bone marrow transplant which will cost
Lorna made a relapse with her cancer and need 2 million for another BMT.
Donate: MCB 000446714739 IBAN : MU26MCBL0944000446714739000MUR Code Swift : MCBLMUMU Phone: +230 59099219/58411369 28th May 2022, Lorna is suffering from spine issue which were detected
Medha 13yrs made a relapse with cancer. She will needs 1.2million to access her treatment in India.
Donate for Medha: MCB 000446714666 IBAN:MU13MCBL0944000446714666000MUR Swift Code: MCBLMUMU Telephone: +230 59099219/58411369 When everything was going on good track for Medha, it’s after 5 years that
Camélia 12yrs suffers from a cancer – Desmoplastic small round cell tumor. Rs 1,606,912 will be needed for her treatment.
Donate for Camélia: MCB 000447982168 IBAN:MU16MCBL0901000447982168000MUR Swift Code: MCBLMUMU Telephone: +230 59099219/58411369 Camélia 12yrs is suffering from a cancer tumor, desmoplastic small round cell tumor.