Shakti P 60 yrs ,suffers from Metastatic Melanoma.

  • 895,200

    Funding Goal
  • 27,823

    Funds Raised
  • 311

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is ₨100 Maximum amount is ₨895200 Put a valid number

Campaign Story

Shakti P 60 years,suffers from Metastatic Melanoma. Financially, her treatment will cost about Rs 895,200.

To donate to Shakti P : [MCB] 000447982176 – Enn Rev Enn Sourir

IBAN: MU24MCBL0944000452593174000MUR

Swift code:MCBLMUMU

Contact: +230 59099219

Please find below the financial details: